"Vlanel" LTD was established in 1992. with the subject of activity food trade goods. In 1999, the company started the production of chicken meat cuts.
We mainly work with Bulgarian chicken, whose anatomical parts are flavored with traditional Bulgarian herbs and spices, developed over the years especially for us.
The primary commitment and policy of the company is the creation and upgrading of Good Manufacturing Practices for hygiene and food safety, as well as a system for monitoring and risk assessment. Since 2016, VLANEL OOD has been the recipient of one of the highest food quality and safety standards - BRC. More about the standard and its requirements you can read HERE.
ВЛАНЕЛ ООД притежава запазена марка за извършваната месопреработвателна дейност и патент върху графичния си знак, лого.
‘Вланел' ЕООД е създадена от Владимир Недев през 1992 г. с предмет на дейност търговия с храни. През 1999 г. бързо развиващата се търговска фирма започва производство на разфасовки от пилешко месо в малък цех в Радомир. Това са първите стъпки по пътя на големия проект за предприятие за преработка на пилешко месо.
Investments in automation of production activities and construction of photovoltaics for the needs of "VLANEL" Ltd.
Vlanel LTD has long-standing partnerships with commercial companies in the country.