The new white meat processing plant in the town of Radomir opened its doors in July 2006, built and equipped entirely with its own financing. The factory has machines and equipment from leading global companies such as "Frigoscandia" /USA/, "Fomaco" /Denmark/ and "Wolf" /Germany/, "Dorit" /Switzerland/, "Bizerba" /Germany/, "Valdisa" / Switzerland/, "Fuji" /Japan/, Schomaker /Germany/ and others. In recent years, the growth in production has been marked by breaded chicken bon fillet products in "home style" with different flavors and spiciness, as well as "BBQ" wings.
High technologies in processing, freezing and packaging contribute to the uniqueness of the manufactured items and their nutritional - tasty qualities. The spiral tunnel allows individual cooling and individual fast freezing of the products, which means high durability, low defrosting losses and preservation of the taste of the preparations.
The company has its own refrigerated base for storage of raw materials and finished products, as well vehicles equipped for transportation of goods in a frozen and chilled condition.
The production activity has a functioning system for food safety - HACCP and GMP, which is continuously improved and developed.The white meat processing company was one of the first with a status for compliance with European food and trade legislation in the EU in 2007, and in the last five years it has been the holder of one of the highest standards for quality, food safety and food safety - BRC, which is updated through independent annual audits.
The safety of the manufactured products, the focus on the high quality of the raw materials and materials used and correctness to the consumer, and his timely information is of primary importance for the management of the Enterprise for the processing of white meats. For this purpose, the raw material and the finished product undergo weekly laboratory tests in a licensed laboratory, both for internal control and for monitoring by the Food Agency. By taking swabs from the equipment that comes into contact with the chicken meat during the production process, the microbiological status of the surfaces in the production hall is monitored. Sanitary treatment - cleaning and disinfection of premises, machine park and storage bases, as well as production tools and inventory - is carried out with detergents and disinfectants of leading European companies in this field.
Every week, whole chilled chickens from Bulgarian producers arrive at the factory, which our trained team carefully cuts into anatomical parts (fillet, tenderloin, thigh, wings, lower thigh and steak). This short video illustrates the process of removing the breast from the chicken.
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